
  • Changes to the Discharge Summary:
    • The session summary is no longer interpolated into the sentence that prompts for everything in quotes to be kept the same, so there these notes should have a higher quality outcome now.
    • There was a mistake causing the number of sessions not to get added to the note output, which has been fixed.
  • Changes in the EMDR Note:
    • Updates made that should make it a bit clearer and create a higher-quality output.
  • Users were not able to type into the goal section for speech and occupational therapy. A temporary fix has been put in place so they are working now, but we are fixing the underlying issue.
  • Speech and Occupational Therapy Note templates have been updated for higher-quality output.
  • Activities and Intervention fields in the Presets feature have been updated.
  • Presets modal has been updated to not exit when clicking outside of the box.
  • Statements usage inside the Presets feature have been adjusted/updated.
  • Users can now insert statements into the goal section on the advanced Individual progress note
  • Group Note now allows up to 35 participants.
  • Templates page style updates.

In Process:

  • Warning to show when user redirects/exits the document output page without saving.
  • Action to bulk select/delete documents on the Documents page.
  • Delete action for members.
  • Physical Therapy Note template is in the works and coming soon.
  • Issue with users being logged out while working inside the app.
  • Regenerate button/action on the document output page.
  • Functionality to update your current membership with promotional codes with prorated costs.
  • 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) functionality.
  • Custom template for specific insurance requirements.


  • Payment method functionality is not working properly, currently under review.

Important Update & Notice: New Privacy Features

We are excited to announce the implementation of new privacy features in AutoNotes, enhancing the security of your sign-in and document storage. These changes require your opt-in to continue using our services seamlessly. The new features will go live on Monday, June 17th.

Other Valuable Information:

  • Visit our Help Center for articles on troubleshooting, general information, and tutorials.
  • The GIF’s in the latest tutorials have been converted to Videos with pause/play controls.